
Sunday, October 19, 2014

NeVer Let otHer peOple TeLL yoU what SuccEss Is…

For a certain people it is difficult to accept that they failed. It is not easy to face the fear and accept the fact that you failed, of course. But leaving your nightmare is the only way to come back in life with proper mentality and disposition.
People should realize the whole reason of its failure first, starting from learning their mistakes what does not work in the past, accept it, and moving on towards the word success.
You may say that the word success in life means not only successful, but also means bouncing back from failure. But how you define the word success is your own story.

Defining success in your own terms is the best way to help you bounce back from failure. Neglecting you feel so much on the expectation of other people is also one term of what the word success will be defined.

And finally you will find out the word success for your own, the acceptance of fail and the word moving on to grab the next successes.

Define the word success by yourself, for yourself....Never let people tell you what success it.

Friday, May 9, 2014

LeAviNg fOr a bEaCh LiP

Fruitfully… could become a simple crunchy word…. it is not related only to a full of fruit in the basket, a cocktail glass of fruits, not even a full of colorful toping ingredients spreading on top and within the Nasi Goreng. It is quite something pearling and sparkling towards seducing prompt of concealing a taste beyond.

A country, a third world developing country in which a legislative and presidential election are now conducting is one of a monumentally cruising path of a sailing trip passing through a sharkly ocean sautéing many group of people running for its best representatives and leaders through a powerful seeking its willingness to which governing the next regime is one of mirroring towards its phenomena.

The green bitter water melon, the red chili, the deep red beef sausage, the orange skin of slicing tomato, the yellow part of omelet, the white clumsy rice are volcanoing in a plate, pursuing for a harmony ensemble, awaiting for its turn to fulfill its phenomena surrounding. Predicting and simulating the far end of its destiny is also another interesting subject for each group due to its comprehensive sailing the swaying ship on the ocean thoroughly by its giggling group contribution towards a beach lip, not its group beach lips hopefully…